六一儿童节,祝你脸上挂满童真的笑脸,生活如童年般无忧,事事如童年般简单,遇上数不尽的童 心。愿你天天过六一,天天好心情。
Children's Festivals, wish the smiling face that is hung full of childlike innocence on your face, the life is like childhood without worry, everything is like childhood simple, the child heart that meets countless. May you have June 1 every day, good mood every day.
Everyone is a child. Children belong to you, children belong to me, children belong to him, children belong to all of us. June 1 children's day is coming, bless you, bless me, bless him, bless us all!
一天最清新的时刻是早晨,一年最美的季节是春天,一生最令人怀念的是童年,童年是天空初升的朝阳,是心中永远的梦想,儿童节,让我们 一起怀念逝去的美好。
The freshest hour of a day is the morning, the most beautiful season is spring, what make a person yearn for most all one's life is childhood, childhood is the sunrise of the sky, it is the dream forever in the heart, the Children's Festival, let us yearn for the good that passes away together.
重回童年的记忆。好怀念,你那性感的开裆裤,你拿鼻涕当面膜的厚脸皮,你哭笑转换 自如的演技,撒起泼来地上蹭个坑的耐力。愿你永葆童心!
Return to childhood memories. Good miss, you that sexy open-backed pants, you that nasal mask when the thick skin, you cry and laugh conversion acting freely, spilt to the ground to bask in a pit endurance. May you keep your childlike innocence forever!
Children's Festival arrived again, invite child companion to seek childhood, sing sing nursery rhyme to lose sorrow, play play tong qu to reduce pressure, with a childlike innocence happy embrace. I wish you a happy children's day dance yan big happy to come!
孩子是一颗勃发的种子,正在奋力长大;孩子是一朵娇艳的花蕾,正在含苞待放。儿童节,在这个孩 子的节日中,为你送上一份孩子般的祝福,祝你节日快乐。
The child is a blooming seed, is struggling to grow up; The child is a delicate and charming bud, just in bud. Children's day, in the children's holiday, for you to send a child like blessing, I wish you a happy holiday.
Childhood is the most wonderful, childhood is a flower, childhood is a seed, full of vitality, full of vitality, recall childhood, aftertaste childhood, happy children's day!
儿童节又到了,邀一邀童伴把童年找找,玩一玩童趣把压力减掉,用一颗童心把快乐拥抱。预祝你儿童节童颜大悦幸 福来到!
Children's Festival arrived again, invite child companion to seek childhood, play play tong qu to reduce pressure, embrace happiness with a childlike innocence. I wish you a happy children's day dance yan big happy to come!
Children, children huan, adults laugh, colorful new clothes and hats; Innocent little children, happy children's day!