In May 2001,Madison High School in Nevada, USA, had the following question on its entranceexam: Bill Gates had five locked drawers on his desk with five labels,interest, honor, and five labels; Which one or which drawer are the other fourlocked in?
A foreignstudent who had just immigrated to the United States, just in time for theexam, panicked when he saw the question because he didn't know whether it wasan English question or a math problem. At the end of the exam, he went to askhis guarantor, a board member of the school. The director told him that it wasan intelligent test question, not in books, and there was no standard answer,and that everyone was free to answer according to his own understanding, butthat the teacher had the right to give a score according to his point of view.
The foreignstudents got 5 points on the 9-point question. The teacher thought that he didnot answer a word, at least to show that he was honest, with this should givemore than half of the score. What he couldn't understand was that his deskmateanswered the question, but got only one point. The answer at the same table wasthat Gates had the keys in the drawer, and the other keys were locked in thedrawer.
Later, thequestion was sent back via E-mail to the foreign student's original country.The student said to his classmates in the e-mail, 'Now I know which key Gatesis with, and those who answer it have been affirmed and appreciated by the richman, and you are willing to test it, and perhaps get some inspiration from it.'
We don't knowexactly how many answers the students gave. However, a clever classmate is saidto have appeared on the page of Madison High School in the United States, wherehe sent a reply from Bill Gates to the school. The letter reads: Hide yoursecrets from the things you are most interested in.
Interests,honors, and is what almost everyone wants to pursue. When you have to make theonly choice, your interests are often more important than your name!