遗憾就丢给21世纪最后一个冬天吧。Leave your regrets to the last winter of the 21st century.
许个愿吧 2021年再回来看看 是否实现了。Make a wish and come back in 2021 to see if it comes true.
2021高考 拿到我想要的录取通知书。I got the admission notice I wanted in 2021 college entrance examination.
希望今年所有的遗憾 都是来年惊喜的铺垫.I hope all regrets this year will pave the way for surprises in the coming year.
希望12月是新年快乐的预期 能够积攒很多喜欢和美好去向下一年.I hope that December is the expectation of a happy New Year, and I can accumulate a lot of likes and good things for the next year.
希望接下来的生活 有你有我有快乐有圣诞老人和糖果.I hope you, me, Santa Claus and candy will be happy in the next life.
这荒唐的一年,很快就要带着很多遗憾结束了。This absurd year will soon come to an end with many regrets.
我在纠结到底是睡到明年 还是明年再睡.I'm wondering whether to sleep until next year or not.
这是21世纪二十年代第一个十二月 希望你能来 我们一起过第一个冬天.This is the first December of the 1920s. I hope you can come and spend the first winter with us.