12月31日那天说爱我吧,下次说就是2021年的事情了。Say love me on December 31st, and say it will be in 2021 next time.
让我想想是睡到明年还是明年再睡。Let me think whether to sleep until next year or not.
你怕不怕这个冬天吹不走这年的遗憾。Are you afraid that this winter will not blow away the regrets of this year?
那然后呢,一起走吗,还是分道扬镳?Then what, go together or go our separate ways?
新事物终将代替旧事物,终会有新的一年来结束这一年。New things will eventually replace old things, and a new year will come to an end.
2020有人见尘埃有人见星辰,不过没关系,都翻篇了。2020 Some people see dust and some people see stars, but it doesn't matter, it's all turned over.
没结局的故事太多,要习惯相遇和离别。There are too many stories with no ending, so get used to meeting and parting.
有些人终年不遇,2021我又会期待什么呢?Some people don't meet all the year round. What will I expect in 2021?
真的就差一点,就可以一起跨年了,终究还是一个人。Really almost, you can spend the New Year together, and you are still alone after all.