两个都不主动的小朋友是会错过的。Two children who are not active will miss it.
以后遇到喜欢的人 还是做朋友吧。Let's be friends when you meet someone you like.
没有联系你的日子里又在和谁分享日常。Who are you sharing your daily life with when you are not contacted?
爱与被爱同时发生才有意义.It makes sense to love and be loved at the same time.
同一个错误不会犯两次 如果犯了 那就不是错误 而是选择。You can't make the same mistake twice. If you make it, it's not a mistake but a choice.
你不能同时给两个女孩子撑伞,我会淋雨的。You can't hold umbrellas for two girls at the same time. I'll get wet.
希望你活的尽兴,而不是活的庆幸。I hope you enjoy your life, not rejoice in it.
总不能因为谈过一场失败的恋爱就开始质疑所有爱吧.You can't start questioning all love just because you had a failed love affair.
何谈三观 褒贬任剪 笑骂随意.期待下一场不经意的重逢.How to talk about the three views, praise and blame, cut, laugh and scold at will, and look forward to the next casual reunion.