
"冬天的日子太温柔 故乡烟火呛得人眼泪直流 三五好友喝点小酒 聊聊以往仿佛还能够回头"

"Winter days are too gentle, hometown fireworks make people's tears flow, friends drink a little wine, talk about the past, as if we can go back."

"妈妈说 冬天不要穿的太少了 很冷很冷 所以我很易寒 易寒啊 你听到了吗 遗憾啊"

"Mom said don't wear too little in winter. It's very cold. It's very cold, so I'm very cold.


"In winter, it's baked sweet potato, sugar snowball and copper pot shabu, it's wool hat, down jacket, big scarf and clumsy snow boots, it's a person to warm up."

"每到冬天 床以外的地方都是远方 手够不到的地方都是他乡 上个厕所都是出差"

"Every winter, the place beyond the bed is far away and out of reach. All the restroom trips are business trips."


"今年冬天 我剪掉了长发 打算重新留长 长胖了 变的成熟了 没有以前一样爱哭了 还有 我快要二十了"

"This winter I cut off my long hair and I'm going to grow it out again. I'm fat. I'm mature. I'm not crying as much as before.


平平安安 順順利利 水逆散退 學業进步 祝我們都好 在冬天.

Wish us all the best in winter.



"There is no winter that will not pass, no spring that will not come."



Tell the spring, peach blossom to ye to die in the open, I'm afraid I can not survive this winter, without me he will freeze to death sooner or later


这个冬天 没有惊喜 也没有失落 除了偶尔的自找难过 就这样得过且过

This winter there is no surprise and no loss in addition to the occasional sad so muddle along


标签: little



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