下次遇到喜欢的人不要冷冰冰也不要讲反话。Don't be cold or sarcastic when you meet someone you like next time.
还好大雾四起,藏匿难言爱意。Fortunately, the fog is everywhere, hiding unspeakable love.
天亮时的第一束光总是格外刺眼。The first light at dawn is always dazzling.
雨下大了鞋也会湿,所以撑伞没用。When it rains heavily, shoes will get wet, so it's useless to hold an umbrella.
截屏信息是想保留住那些美好的回忆。Screenshots are meant to keep those wonderful memories.
不出意外的话我们这辈子应该见不到了。If there is no accident, we should never see each other again.
互相喜欢的人怎么就不会错过了,到头来他不还是走了吗。People who like each other can't miss it. In the end, he left.
我为我不知廉耻的打扰对所有人道歉。I apologize to everyone for my shameless interruption.
我把我们的故事都讲烂了,你还是没有回来。I told all our stories badly, but you still didn't come back.