导语:靠山山会倒 靠人人会跑 只有自己最可靠。The mountain behind the mountain will lean down, and everyone will run. Only oneself are the most reliable.
都是被丢掉好几次的小朋友了,我拿什么心动。They are all children who have been lost several times, so what do I feel?
接受自己的普通 然后拼尽全力与众不同。Accept yourself as ordinary and try your best to be different.
总在安静的时候想的很多,然后难过很久。I always think a lot when I am quiet, and then feel sad for a long time.
生活是平平淡淡之上,轰轰烈烈之下。Life is plain and vigorous.
你永远都是隔着屏幕,都能影响我心情的人。You are always the person who can influence my mood across the screen.
互相忘记就是我们最好的归宿。Forgetting each other is our best destination.
到底是我感动不了你,还是我不如别人。I can't touch you, or I'm inferior to others.
别让生活耗尽了你的耐心和向往,总有人教你长大。Don't let life exhaust your patience and yearning, someone will always teach you to grow up.
自己才是最重要的,其他人都是调味剂。Self is the most important thing, others are flavoring agents.
结语:别变得世俗,那不是你该走的路。Don't become worldly, that's not the way you should go.