

理查德·惠特利说“早上少一个钟头的睡眠,你就要花一整天的时间去找回来。”小时候我们的睡眠时间被父母严加管控,长大后,开始挣脱过去的束缚和规矩,享受对生活的十足掌控,把睡觉时间定在十点、十一点 甚至凌晨一点。然而睡眠不足不仅会使我们喜怒无常,还会损害大脑功能,比如记忆力和决策能力。



审核:Leon Yong

Part of the reason why many of us have a tangled and unhelpful relationship to sleep can be traced back to the way we first learnt about the subject many years ago. Parents of small children tend to be very careful about bedtimes.


They favour early nights, they give their babies plenty of naps throughout the day, they think a lot about black-out curtains, they are quick to diagnose many instances of bad temper as stemming from a background deficit of rest and while they may be indulgent in some areas, they are likely to be entirely implacable in any negotiation over routines: seven p.m. lights out, no ifs ands or buts.


对于孩子的坏脾气 ,他们极其敏感,认为这是由于缺觉导致的。虽然在某些方面,父母很溺爱孩子,但是在睡觉这件事上,毫无商量余地,晚上七点熄灯睡觉,不要废话。

None of this is remotely altruistic: tired small children are a nightmare to look after. Every reversal becomes a drama, every disappointment turns into a catastrophe and every excitement shifts into mania. A half-way decent adult existence is impossible alongside a tired child. Self-interest necessitates totalitarianism.

父母其实也是有私心的,照顾疲倦的小孩子 简直就是一场噩梦。每次翻脸,都像一出戏;每次失望,都是一场浩劫;每次兴奋,都以狂躁收尾。如果走到半路,孩子困了,那么大人就不可能保持体面,利己主义必然会带来绝对的权威。

But while a draconian philosophy is useful in the early years, it can set up an awkward dynamic in an off-spring’s mind as adolescence sets in. Growing up and asserting one’s independence and individuality can then become associated with a newly defiant and cavalier approach to bedtimes. Not for a newly empowered young adult the strictures and denying rules of the past.

严格控制睡觉时间,虽然对小孩子很管用,但也会让青春期的孩子,思想发生一定变化,很难对付。随着青少年长大 追求独立和个性,他们会变得蔑视睡眠时间,出现违抗行为。成年初期 逐渐有权掌控自己的生活,便会更想要挣脱过去的束缚和规矩。

Why bother to put the light out by ten or even midnight or one in the morning, given that one is so obviously no longer a toddler? What is thereby missed is how much every adult shares in a young child’s sensitivity to a shortfall of sleep. Just like our younger selves, we do not have an impregnable command over a reasonable view of our own prospects or condition.

既然已经不是三岁小孩了,又何必要把睡觉时间定在十点,或着十一点 甚至凌晨一点呢。因而,大人低估了,孩子对自己缺觉的敏感程度。就像我们年轻的时候,对于未来和当下,我们并没有坚不可摧的控制力。

There are many different ways of telling the story of our lives, ranging from an optimistic tale of progress mixed with noble defeats to a tragic narrative of thorough-going stupidity and unforgivable errors. What can determine the difference between madness and sanity may be nothing grander, but then again nothing more critical, than how long our minds have been allowed to lie on a pillow in the preceding hours.


It’s especially unfortunate that this connection is so easy to miss. No bells go off in our minds warning us that we are running low on nocturnal nectar. As a result, we start to believe many dark things with doomful ease: that our relationship is over, that everyone hates us, that our lives are meaningless and that human existence is a cosmic joke ‘When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago,’ knew Friedrich Nietzsche.


We go mad from tiredness long before we notice the role of exhaustion in stealing our sanity. The thinking we do when tired is vindictive and sloppy. It misses important details, it gives the advantage over to our enemies, it hands victory to the evangelists of sadness. Being careful doesn’t just apply to the night.


At varied points in the day, when possible and we are overwhelmed, we should know to stop, hoist the white flag and have a nap. When we lie in bed, it makes sense to think of ourselves as akin to a smaller, furry mammal, a rabbit or perhaps a squirrel. We should lift our knees up very close to our chests and pull the duvet over our heads. We might soak a whole patch of the pillow with our tears.


We should - metaphorically - stroke our own weary foreheads as a loving adult might once have done. Grown-up life is intolerably hard and we should be allowed to know and lament this. We shouldn’t feel weird in our weepy squirrel position. Other people go to immense lengths to hide that they do, or would like to do, the very same sort of thing.

那我们应该摸摸自己的头,它很累了,就像以前 慈爱的爸爸妈妈做的那样,成年人的生活里,没有容易二字,我们理应清楚这一点,也可以为之痛惜,哭泣难过时,我们不应感到自己奇怪。有些人倾其所有,隐藏自己的行为和欲望,行为和欲望的本质相同。当他人用自己的绝望和焦虑,引诱我们进入其安全舒适的庇护所,

We need to know someone extremely well - better than we know 99% of humanity - before they will let us in on the scale of their despair and anxiety and their longings for a cosy, safe nook. It looks child-like but it is in fact the essence of adulthood to recognise, and give space for, one’s regressive tendencies. What the curled squirrel position indicates is that not all mental problems can be solved by active reasoning.


Not thinking consciously should also be deemed a part of the mind’s work. Being curled up in bed allows our minds to do a different sort of thinking, the sort that can take place when we are no longer impatiently looking for results, when the usual hectoring conscious self takes a break and lets the mind do what it will for a time.


It is then, paradoxically, that certain richer, more creative ideas can have the peace and freedom to coalesce - as they may do when we are out for a walk in the countryside or idling while having a drink in a cafe. Thinking isn’t what we do best when it’s all we’re meant to do. There remain plenty of reasons to live. We simply may not be able to see them until we have allowed ourselves the privilege of a weepy nap or a long night’s sleep.


标签: 睡眠



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